Live Like Royalty in Manitoba With Only $1M!

We are not strangers to the crazy housing market in the main cities nationwide but there is one city you have not thought about: Winnipeg.

This Manitoba capital has properties to offer you within the $1M price range and you will be satisfied unlike in cities such as Vancouver or Toronto.


So what kind of house can I get for $1M in Manitoba?

Well, you can 4 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, and about 3,505 square feet. Compared to the properties in Vancouver or Toronto housing market which are smaller.

Of course the housing market in the province has also “adjusted” over the past decade: houses are more expensive and there are lesser houses in the $1M price range compared to ten years ago.

The city is now home to a lot of individuals who moved from Vancouver and Toronto whose housing markets are running out of control. The demographic is 35-50 years.

The average housing price in the province is $278,000 albeit more expensive than years ago, it is still below the nation’s average and is still attractive.


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