10 Things To Do Before Renting An Apartment

Even though renting an apartment is probably going to be temporary for you, it doesn’t mean that you should take this decision lightly. No matter how good the deal is or whether the landlord is family, there are a few important things to consider.


Here is a list of 10 of them…

#1. Check your wallet

If your comfortable budget is $500, then look for an apartment $100 below and above your budget. You may have to share an apartment with someone in order to have all the amenities you need; that is another factor you’ll have to consider.

Don’t be the brides on that reality show that try on gowns that are 500% more than their initial budget. Okay. That’s a bit of a hyperbole but you get the point.

#2. Research

Firstly, get the word out. Tell your friends and family that you are looking for an apartment. You too will do your part by checking the newspaper daily, going online and even watching out for the ‘’random’’ posters on the light poll.

#3. Scouting

After finding apartments that fit your budget, list down your requirements and go over them. Here are some questions to ask yourself, before going to the apartments:

Do I want to share an apartment?

Do I want to live in a quiet neighborhood or somewhere with a very active nightlife?

Do I want to live upstairs or downstairs?

You get it now.

This will make the hectic process a lot less stressful.

#4. Renter’s resumé

Please do include all the necessary information about yourself such as your salary, contacts, emergency contacts and even reference letters. All of this will show your seriousness with getting the apartment.

#5. Amenities

Water heater, air conditioning, and good plumbing are a top priority. Make sure that all these things are working perfectly. You can go before the meeting day with the landlord to find out how things are going on in the building.

#6. The small print

Please do the read the entire contract. It is very important to do so in any situation especially in one that involves your potential home.

#7. Inspect the apartment

Do this before signing the contract. Make sure to observe the landlord’s behavior towards you. Is he or she trying to guide your movements around the apartment in order to prevent you from seeing something that would change your mind on the spot? Be very observant.

#8. Know your landlord

Getting to know the landlord is very important. A little bit of Googling shouldn’t hurt anyone. Ask former tenants about his or her character and if it is a very expensive place, you can get a background check done. In this world, it is not wise to just give trust so easily.

#9. Get your deal

Be very patient when negotiating a deal for the apartment and also, be very honest. If you think you will struggle with paying the set rent, say so. You might just get it reduced or come to some kind of amicable deal.

#10. Pack up your stuff     

And finally, pack up your stuff and move into your new place. It’s that simple…


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