The Importance Of Getting Feedback From Potential Buyers

House owners generally believe that they know exactly how their house looks like. It can be surprising when they hear the opinions of buyers about the house. Buyers have a different taste from sellers and their views are very important to help sellers know what their strengths and weaknesses are. Furthermore, it is advisable to get buyers feedback at the end of the showing. Read through to know what buyers opinions are of your house.

What are the best features

Although you may think you know all the good qualities of the house as the owner, it might surprise you on what things attract buyers that you never gave a thought to. Buyers have different tastes from yours so it is best to ask for their opinions so that you will be able to build on the strengths of your property.

What are the worst features

Don’t take it personally, when a buyer doesn’t like a certain aspects or features of the house. If a majority of buyers do not like your choice of paint color, this might be a good reason for you to have it changed.

What do they think about the price

The price of the house in most cases can be the determining factor about how a house will stay in the market. If more than one buyer complains about a high price, you should consider reducing the price a bit. Although to be truthful, buyers will never inform you if the price is too low since it will be to their advantage.

Do they imagine living in the house

After showing the house to prospective buyers get into detail discussion if they envisage themselves living in the house. If they have few worries as to why they do not want to by the house, try negotiating with them so you can both reach an agreement. If on the other hand they are not interested at all, also enquire what the problem is and try working on it for future showings.

Factors why they want to buy the house

Knowing the different reasons why buyers want to get the house is very important. This way, a seller gets to know the various unique qualities that attract buyers to the house. Some buyers like a house because of the size, the kitchen or the color paint. While other buyers get attracted to the neighborhood and the services around the vicinity.


Whatever the feedback you want to obtain from buyers, it is very important for sellers to consider what they have to say. You cannot depend solely on your own ideas if you want to sell your house. The way buyers see the house will set you on the track of knowing why the house is selling or not.


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