How To Deal With A ‘Not-Too-Good-Looking’ View

You’ve probably heard these lyrics from a Rascal Flats song… “The best view in the world is from my front porch, looking in.”

Although the song may be talking about family love, there are times when you kick yourself for even bothering to stare out of your window. I mean, the view is inexplicably horrendous! Pardon the grammar.

Of course, everyone would love to have a perfect view right in front of them but that isn’t the case for most people. So how do you deal with such a saddening, ugly view? Take a look at these methods.

#1. Plants

Most would probably consider this as one of the easiest methods. It requires you getting dirty but planting some beautiful flowers such as roses, lilies or whatever flower you may consider your favorite will definitely improve what your eyes gets to see each time you stare out the window.

If you want to take it up a notch, you could plant a few trees, hedges or bushes that may help in hiding whatever you dread looking at. It could also provide you with some privacy and a place to relax if you wish.

#2. Tinted windows

Using tinted windows may not wipe off the view entirely but it sure will help making it less noticeable. Having a window that is large enough can be costly but is possible.

If that is not an option for you, you could get your hands on some tinting film that will have the same effect as a tinted window. Be sure proceed with precaution when installing them as you could leave air bubbles which could create an even worse image when looking into the house.

#3. Stained glass

It may sound similar to the previous one but having a stained glass hides the view completely and adds a special touch to your home. This also gives you a chance to choose a glass design or even make one of your own. If this is out of your wallet, you could with films that will give the same effect.

#4. Other windowing options

There are several other ways to handle an ugly view. If plants and windows aren’t an option for you, there’s the option of hiding the view completely while still keeping natural light coming in. Use a few window treatments like choosing certain shears or vertical blinds or curtains that will still allow light in.


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