Commercial Buildings Finding It Hard To Be Green

Vancouver seems to be falling short in some certain areas, as its commercial buildings seem to be lacking the required standards in order for them to acquire high grading for sustainability.

Although local experts are saying the requirement of a gold certification from the city council is needed for gold certification under Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) ratings, it is also a huge concern when it comes to operation and poor testing.

The president and CEO of AES Engineering, Sunny Ghataurah told a news reporting firm; “There are very few buildings that we are aware of that actually go and verify that the operational data meets the modeled data.”

Addition to that, he said he will be taken by surprise if the number of the building meeting the target requirement shows up to be many. The manager of the City Council green building, Sean Pander said he goes through a lot of trouble when trying to acquire the data for the operational performance, however, the council is working towards partnering with stakeholder to have the issue sort out.


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