Jamie Dimon Commented On Bitcoin Again Saying He Doesn’t Care About It

On the night of the 10th anniversary of the bitcoin white paper, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan was talking about the leading cryptocurrency again with his track record of trials to free himself from the argument.

Dimon made his important comments at the Axios conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Referring to his now troublesome statement that Nakamoto’s invention is a bit fraudulent, the CEO told the audience that:

“I never changed what I said, I just regret having said it. I didn’t want to be the spokesman against Bitcoin. I don’t really give a sh*t, that’s the point. The blockchain is real, it’s technology, but Bitcoin is not the same as a fiat currency.”

As reported before, Dimon’s circuitous History with bitcoin dates since last month when his critical rhetoric cause a rise in the asset’s price.

After swearing to keep quiet on the issues, this January he then became embroiled in bitcoin discussions claiming that he regretted what he said earlier, also reaffirming his avowed difference.

Even though Dimon’s ambivalence, big people in the big bank have hinted at a potentially more receptive position towards the crypto space but the institution’s signals when it comes to crypto are resoundingly mixed.

As Dimon’s most recent comment recommends, JPMorgan is more transparently pro blockchain: a research into JPMorgan’s digital transformation published at the beginning of this month underscored that blockchain represents an important technology for the bank’s roadmap.

By the end of September, JPMorgan increased its blockchain based payment platform to more than 75 multinational banks, as part of a collective bid to save off rivalry from outside of the banking sector.


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