What To Include In An Employee Welcome Kit

An employee welcome kit, also known as the new hire welcome package, is an important part of the employment process. It sends a statement to your new employee about your organization and gives them a glimpse of what their period as a part of your organization would probably look like. Different organizations design their employment packages to suit their needs. However, some of the things that should be in every Employee Welcome Kit include:

1)Welcome letter

The welcome letter simply welcomes the new employee and gives you an opportunity to talk about the vision and goals of the organization. The welcome letter portrays the attitude of the whole organization. Therefore it should preferably be warm–yet professional, encouraging, but straight to the point.

2)Important Contact information

A list of the contact information of important personnel such as the human resources manager, the team leader, security personnel and technical support should be clearly listed out. This should include official phone number and/or email addresses. It would ensure a better flow of information, foster the feeling of being safe in their new environment, as well as decrease mishaps that might occur on the first few days of work.

3)Office policies and code of ethics

If an employee handbook exists, it would be best to include this instead. However, if an employee handbook doesn’t exist then a document outlining important policies of the organization and the expectations from the employee should be included here. This would help ease the new employee into their new responsibilities and obligations. It is advisory to make sure a human resource personnel goes over this with the new employee to make sure there are no misunderstandings.

4)Payments and Benefits

A clear outline of payment schedule which could include how payments are calculated, payments during holidays as well as bonuses should be made available. In addition, benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans should be included if they are available.

5)Required forms

Forms such as employee’s contact information, tax forms, confidentiality agreements and others which might need the new employee’s signature or information should also be included. This would help ensure you have all your documents up to date before the new employee begins work.

6)Welcome gift

A welcome gift could range from a pen to a t-shirt. This adds the personal touch needed in your pack of documents. If possible it should have the logo or slogan of the organization engraved upon it.


Creating an employee welcome kit benefits both you and your employees. This is because making your employee feel welcome and reducing the mishaps or questions that might arise, makes him/her more comfortable at work, which will subsequently increase the likelihood of increased productivity.


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