What To Look Out For Before Renting A Home In Canada

Buying a house in Canada usually requires a lot of money or mortgaging at an equal or more expensive rate. This is why renting an apartment or a home could be the best choice for many Canadians. Despite the fact that you might be renting to cut costs, it is best to make sure your cost cutting venture doesn’t turn into a nightmare building venture.

In order to enjoy your time in your home even though it might be rented, it is important to know those things that can make your time as a tenant uncomfortable. Some of the things you always need to watch out for before signing the lease include:

#1. Heating

No matter how cheap the house rent is, any house without heating is a big no-no. This is because over time you are sure to regret being in a cold house. If it has heating be sure to find out if the price for utilities are included in your house rent and if they are not try to get an estimate of the cost for utilities. This will ensure you get adequate heating and the cost doesn’t put you at a disadvantage.


The state of the kitchen in any home you hope to rent is very important. Check out the sink faucets, the drain and the kitchen appliances if possible. You don’t want to sign a lease for a house with a faulty kitchen because regardless of whether or not you cook, you would be indirectly signing up for some frustration.

#3. Leaks

Try to get the gas pipes, water pipes and if possible the ceiling inspected for leaks. If it can leak, make sure it isn’t leaking. This is because, if it wasn’t repaired before the landlord showed you the house, it would most likely not be repaired whilst you are a tenant.


Check the lights, the sockets and all the electrical appliances you can. Look out for naked wires, faulty sockets and switches. There is nothing worse than moving into a house with faulty electricity and you don’t want to do that for any price.


If you are a “recollect myself in the bathroom” kind of person, it is important you check out the bathroom and make sure you would be comfortable spending time there. Make sure both the hot and cold water taps work well.

Renting a house is almost as serious as buying one. This is because regardless of the owner, you would be the one living in the house. Hence, it is important to go through a house and find out if you would be comfortable there before signing the lease.


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