Why You Need A Home Inspector In Canada

Acquiring a new home or property in Canada can be an expensive venture and the last thing you want is to find out that your new investment is not as great as you thought it was. Sometimes you don’t even find out until it is too late, usually because of the fact that even though structural defects are potentially disastrous, they are not easily noticeable, especially if you’re not looking for them.

A home inspector is a person who has some training and the necessary certificates to examine the condition of a home so that the buyer or seller is able to make informed decisions concerning it. Home inspectors examine the exterior and interior of the home including basements, living spaces and any part of the house that is accessible. They describe what they see and offer advice concerning possible faults or improvements that could be made. Sometimes, they also offer advice on how the home can be maintained.

Home inspectors are, unfortunately, not very commonly used in Canada especially in cities such as Vancouver. Some reasons why a home inspector might however be a good idea for you include:

#1. They are better at spotting problems

Home inspectors know exactly what to look for and most will easily recognize the serious issues and problems you are most likely to overlook. This means with a home inspector, you will have access to knowledge that will helps you make better decisions.

#2. They can offer valuable solutions

Home inspectors will not only tell you what is wrong with your house but in certain cases will also offer advice on possible solutions. Sometimes problems may not be as bad as they initially seem and you shouldn’t have to abandon the house of our dreams in there is a simple solution to whatever issues you might have with it.

#3. Budget setting

Because home inspectors are better able to tell you what needs to be done to fix the issues your prospective house may have, they are also in a better position to let you know what might be too much for you to handle. In fact, if you ask, they are sometimes able to give you a rough estimate of what repairs and fixtures might cost. This would help you make a truly informed decision on whether or not to go ahead with purchasing a property.


Knowing what you are getting into before buying, could help you negotiate a more favorable price, plan ahead for whatever repairs you might need to make, or change your mind completely. The best way to locate structural problems is by looking for them. A home inspector knows what to look for and paying for one is likely to save you a lot of money and headaches in the future.


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