The Kind Of Homes First Time Buyers Should Stay Away From

What if you buy a house and the perfect place comes on the market next week after you have finalized arrangements for a house you settled for? Or you hate the house you bought within the first year? Buying a house is a big deal and you cannot reduce the stress involved in the process. Unfortunately there is not a one size fit all formula for getting the right house as a first timer.

#1. One that is a little too cozy

You may not have kids or even planned on having any but things can change with time especially if you are planning to stay at this house for a while. Avoid buying a two bedroom house because unless you plan on bunking your kids in one room, you will start looking for another house when your second child comes along.

#2. A large home

On the flip side don’t get a large house when is only you and your partner. (Or unless you are sure you can afford it) Large houses have huge mortgages and you will end up struggling to pay it off the best house to get is one with three bed rooms. Your family will fit in perfectly.

#3. An old home

Sure it is a great idea to have a house built in the 70s but at what cost. Such a house is a money pit because all of your money may be spent on doing repairs. You might end up going broke just by constantly fixing the house. From face value you might underestimate the damage or the amount of maintenance required.

#4. Too good to be true home

If you have made a good deal on a house and feeling like a pro, go ahead pat yourself on the back for being a pro as a first timer. But stop and think again. Is everything alright with the house that it is being sold at such a great price? Is the neighborhood okay? Will you have difficulties selling the house in future? These are some things you should consider before getting a house served to you on a platter.

#5.Time consuming home

A house with a tropical garden, swimming pool, vegetable garden may look great and very tempting but do you want to spend every weekend maintaining your house or supervising its upkeep with little time to enjoy your weekend. If you are up for the challenge go for it but otherrwise move on to your next option.


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