America Real Estate Agent Puts Up Billboard To Help Canada-bound Voters

As some people decide to move to Canada, a certain South Caroline real estate agent has decided to use this opportunity and make a huge load of cash. Jeff Cook has put loads of billboards up across the eastern part of South Carolina with pictures of both of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, with a phrase below them saying “Moving to Canada? We can sell your home.” The billboards are up on the interstate highways and freeways, as a means to generate business according to Jeff.

It started off as a joke, but some interested people who have decided to move to Canada in case their candidate does not win the upcoming election, has them putting some seriousness into it. The billboard has caught the attention of many with calls from around while some callers are in need of a good relation. Others are captivated by the ads and will like to chip in what they think.

Calls have been fielded by Jeff to realtors in Canada who are in need of referrals to the clients that are intending to move. There are 20 people who are currently in the application process but they are still hanging on to see if their candidates will lose before giving up their homes for sale. If their candidate does not win, they will then move to Canada. A certain applicant, Tommy Welch said he is in support of Trump and will move to either Toronto or Montreal – as he is still debating on where to go – if Trump doesn’t win. He doesn’t mind selling the three homes he owns and move together with his family to Canada.

For now, no one has taken the step to have their house put up for sale, till after the election, said Cook. More clients have moved locally after finding the billboards to be quite hilarious. Cook hasn’t told anyone who he is voting for. That remains anonymous for now.


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