B.C. Students Worried About Cost Of Houses

Students in British Columbia who have just recently graduated from high school are worried about the high pricing of homes in the province. What has most student concerned are the cost of houses, availability of jobs, their surrounding and pipelines respectively. The survey conducted by Insights West revealed that 30 per cent topped housing expenses as the main concern, followed by job opportunities (28 per cent) and pipelines and environment (12 per cent).


The main reason most of them are concerned about the housing price is because of the housing costs, which is why most of the respondents will be moving out of the area they are studying in subsequently after their graduation. The survey was done prior to the provincial government election and it was made known that students want politicians to mainly promise to make houses more affordable.


Insights West’s Public Affairs and Vice President, Mario Canseco said; “Post-secondary students have identified housing and job opportunities as their key electoral issues. It will be crucial for contending parties in this year’s provincial election to offer concrete policies that will sway this group, which voted in droves during the last federal ballot.”


It was also revealed in the research that 38 per cent of worried respondents had to take out loans to have living expenses and tuition cover, most of them are apprehensive about how they’re going to be able to have their debts cleared.


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