British Columbia Business Can Now Seek Permission To Serve Liquor

 A glass of wine can be a perfect treat for some customers and a perfect way to boost the growth of business. Hence the British Columbia government is allowing Canadian business of all sorts to seek permission from the government to allow them service liquor as part of their service to consumers.

On Monday a new law was announced which makes provision for business across Canada to be able to go in for a liquor license. This license will grant business owners the right to service liquor to boost on the existing services provided to their customers.

However this law does not apply to businesses that carter for minors or those having to do with transportation services.

Various businesses are making a rush to make use of the new law and a barber shop in Vancovuer’s well known Gastown community is no exception.  For many business owners, serving liquor to customers is one sure way to have them coming back for more services.

For Jeff Campeau, a barber at Victory, this is a great opportunity to add to the services given to customers. And with this in mind, the shop has already applied and is waiting for approval from the government.

This new law will most definitely draw the attention of many businesses as in the past most businesses were not permitted to serve liquor to customers. But with things taking a turn, business owners are willing to take advantage of the new law to their benefit and enhancing their customer services.




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