Web Browser Brave To Test Crypto Payments For Opt-In Ads
Brave, the web browser from Javascript developer and Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich, is making a significant bold move toward achieving its target of using blockchain technology to solve what according to many people is one of the issues of the internet: advertising.
On Tuesday, Brave announced in a statement that it will commence an early access program that rewards users for opting-in to device-based ads that do not reveal user information to third parties. The browser, which has more than 2.7 million active monthly users across all devices, blocks ads by default.
Users will enjoy 70 percent of the gross ad revenue when it becomes operational, which will be paid out through the Ethereum-based Basic Attention Token (BAT) and immediately changed to local currency via Uphold.
At first, BAT was distributed via an initial coin offering (ICO), and users had access to use it to tip verified publishers directly for producing quality content.
“The current advertising model exploits users and has eroded trust, as well as net revenue to publishers and other creators,” the company said. “We believe that user data and attention hold substantial value if they are defended vigilantly on users’ devices and that the transparent Brave ads delivery approach and the Basic Attention Token will provide users a fair share.”
The first trial will involve just 250 prepackaged ads, but this list including the number of users involved in the test will increase as the trial goes on. For the time being, it is uncertain when then opt-in ad rewards program will be included into the standard Brave browser for users to access.
Potential testers should recognize that, in contrast to the usual Brave Browser, the trial program will track browsing activity and send details to Brave to unable the firm verify the efficiency of the machine learning algorithms that deliver ads.