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Listings In Saskatoon Decrease

Recently listings in the Saskatoon real estate market have reduced by 14 percent last month, making the drop over the past months to double over the years as it declines by 5 percent. While other provinces’ real estate have tight schedules when it comes to inventory, the real estate agents in Saskatoon have come to terms with the downturn.CEO, Jason Yochim who is the CEO of the Saskatoon Region Association of Realtors said that: “This is a positive sign for the market and has an impact in two significant areas. It helps to reduce elevated inventory levels and secondly it helps to move the market closer to a balance.”

CEO, Jason Yochim who is the CEO of the Saskatoon Region Association of Realtors said that: “This is a positive sign for the market and has an impact in two significant areas. It helps to reduce elevated inventory levels and secondly it helps to move the market closer to a balance.”

The level of inventory is above the 5-year benchmark of 1,641 units with a sum total of 1,986 scheduled for sale. However, the volume of sales has gone down by 16 percent since July 2015. Even though the inventory is high, the average sales figure in the real estate market has been doing well with a casual one percent increase over the years and most of the houses have been purchased for its first price.

It is still a great time for buyers to be in the market with a decent selection, stable pricing and low-interest rates, however, as inventory levels continue to decline, so will selection for buyers.”


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