Fees for Unlocking Cellular Devices Brought to a Halt

Telecom regulator in Canada revealed in their ongoing changes, plan of their wireless code of conduct that they will be giving customers free services to have their mobile devices unlocked.

The new and improved code insists on allowing customers to terminate their contract in a space of 15 days if they find the services unsatisfying. This changes will be effective six months after regulator heard from the consumer grounds who allegedly indicated that few cellular companies went against the code, and asked for the rules to be imposed and constricted.


Jean-Pierre Blais, the chairman of CRTC whose term is up, mentioned in a statement; “The changes and clarifications we are announcing today will give Canadians additional tools to make informed choices about their wireless services and take advantage of competitive offers in the marketplace. While they appreciate the code, (Canadians) told us loudly and clearly that it could be more effective. We have listened to them.”


Based on the publication, CRTC revealed that the amount for unlocking will cost a lot, which is why a fee was collected to unlock about 943,000 devices last year. The average charge to have a device opened was $50 by carriers, as a means of dissuading customers from moving to another service provider. Rights advocates for consumers are for the changes and predicting to provide Canadians with more understanding on what they will get after enrolling for wireless facilities.


Digital rights advocate, Katy Anderson for OpenMedia said; “The wireless code marked a huge step forward for consumer protections, and these updates will further prevent mistreatment of Canadian cellphone users at the hands of the big telecom companies. The changes … will go a long way to ensuring Canadians know what their rights are when it comes to cellphone plans.”


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