Things Debt Collectors Cannot Do In Canada

Debt collectors are people or agencies whose sole responsibility is to persuade you to pay your debts. Occasionally they either work for the credit companies, agencies or were hired by the credit company or have bought your debt from the credit company you owe.

Most Canadians, people around the world, normally believe that debt collectors are meant to threaten you, are discourteous and niggling. Nevertheless, it is imperative to note that, in spite of the fact that their job is to try to make sure you pay your debts, there are things they cannot do while trying to get you to pay up. Some of these things include;

#1. Contact you at any time

In Canada, different provinces have dissimilar times at which debt collectors can contact you. In Newfoundland and Labrador, they can only contact you from 8am to 10pm. In addition, most provinces’ debt collectors can usually not contact you on Sundays and during legal holidays.

Moreover, debt collectors cannot contact you when you declare in written form that they should contact your legal representative.

#2. Garnish wages or seize assets

Regardless of the intimidation you might receive from debt collectors about your wages and assets, they cannot touch anything without verdict from the law. Hence, irrespective of the threats you might receive if it has not been directed by a court, the debt collectors have no power to do anything to you.

#3. Start legal action without notifying you

A debt collector cannot proceed with legal action without informing you. A verbal notification does not count. A written notification has to be sent to you and confirmed by them that you have received it. Therefore, if that debt collector keeps threatening but has not put forward any written document in the effect, he has no right to start legal action.

#4. Contact people close to you

Debt collectors cannot contact your family, friends, colleagues or workplace apart from getting your contact details, although, unless they were signatories to the debt. Therefore, take note that people close to you have the right to refuse to hear from debt collectors, plus your family and friends cannot be harassed by the debt collector.

#5. Collect debts you know nothing about

If you have specifically expressed to a debt collector that you know nothing about a debt especially in writing, they cannot force you or disturb you any longer. Hence, always check your credit report to make sure there are no false claims levied on you by debt collectors.

#6. Enforce debts after statute of limitations has passed

If the decree of limits for that debt has passed and a debt collector contacts you, you have no need to pay, unless you acknowledge that you owe by writing or paying.

J C Loum


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