The Worst Things You Can Do Before Getting A House

Many people may scoff or laugh about it but getting the right house can even turn the best house shopper into a bit of dreamer. From paint colors to furnishing, picturing yourself in that property is very critical and you can take some missteps that will have you saying goodbye to your dream house even before you put a key to the door. Here are some worst things you will regret doing before buying a house.

Change in job status

When getting a house, stability is required by most banks or money lenders. Banks or lenders might think twice if you start changing jobs at such a crucial time about offering you a mortgage. Changing from part-time to full time or have a promotion but not the other way round.

Making late payments

If you have a mortgage, making late payments of any sort can raise a lot of eyebrows from banks or money lenders. It can even make you ineligible for loans. Even if it is as little as utility bill, you have to pay them on time.

Taking debts

Waiting until you get a house before shopping for your new home is important because getting into debt in the process of buying a house questions whether you will be able to pay the mortgage or bills. We know you might be excited to fill your house with things but it can be very risky and dangerous to get debts at that point in time. Be patient because the house is not going anywhere once you get it and all decorations can be done then.

Co-signing on a loan

Co-signing in any form is a bad financial move, in a sense that it implies that you are in some way financially responsible for another person’s debt. Banks or money lenders take it very serious especially when you want a mortgage because a second thought will be given if you will be able to pay back your mortgage on time.

Having unnecessary spending

When getting a house, make it a point of duty to reduce on how you spend your money. Getting credits for cars, furniture etc can be dealt with after you sign you closing deal on getting the house first. Extravagant spending can have a lot of interpretation and make you lose your deal in getting your dream house.

Once you find the perfect house, secure financing, sign contracts and documents, you may be ready to pop champagne and celebrate but be careful though. A whole lot of things can still go wrong and you will end up having to find another house that you will not love. Therefore when getting a house, be patient so you can have the best and your moneys worth.


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