How To Deal With Pests On Your Property

Having a property filled with bed bugs, cockroaches, mice or other pests is probably not something any landlord wants to have to experience. Renters do not want to live in a property filled with these vermin nor do landlords want to deal with regular extermination headaches and the renter’s grievances about the pests. But the good news is, there are a few simple steps to you can take as a landlord to help prevent pests from bugging your property.

#1. Fumigate Monthly

This will cost you money, but it’s a much cheaper option than the cost of you losing present and future tenants due to a pest problem. Even if you’ve hardly had any problems with rodents or insects, you should fumigate monthly to prevent such problems from ever happening.

Do not limit the extermination to only one apartment; the rodents and insects can easily travel to another part of the property. While you can do this by yourself, if you’re a DIY person, its probably smartest to leave it to the professionals.

#2. Dispose of trash properly

The one thing that is sure to attract pests to your property is the availability of food for them, usually in the form of garbage. Always make sure you have a proper waste container to help prevent pests settling in your property.

You should constantly make sure that they are free of cracks or holes and are placed well-away from the house itself.

#3. Seal up Gaps and Cracks

Sealing gaps and cracks in your property will aid in keeping little critters out. This should be done within, around, and outside the property to ensure that there is simply not way for rats and other rodents to get in.

Outside the property, make sure you check the foundation of the building, as well as for the gaps around the vents, pipes, windows, doors, and pipes. When sealing the inside, make sure to examine the basements, common areas, attic, tenants’ apartments and crawl spaces.

This process probably will consume a lot of time but it’s surely worth it, as it may very well save you time and money later on.

#4. Contact your tenants if your notice a problem

Your tenants will also have a part to play. As a landlord, there is only so much you can contribute to preventing pest from bugging your property especially when you have tenants living in them. If you notice developing trash piles and garbage improperly disposed of around the property, contact your tenants immediately and inform them about it, letting them know the proper procedures for disposing of garbage. Remind them that keeping the property clean will help prevent pest from getting into the property, which is a problem neither you nor they, would like to have.


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