Things to Know Before You Make Repairs On A Rented House

While moving into the house of your dreams is what most people hope for, it is sometimes not what we get. Homes that go for affordable prices are, many times, those that are likely to need adjustments after a short period of time. While making adjustment on a home you have bought is mostly advantageous for you, making adjustments on a rented home can be tricky.

Firstly you might end up spending a large sum of money that you needn’t have spent in the first place, and secondly you might not be the one to enjoy it especially if you are unable to renew your lease. Last but not least it could land you in some trouble legally. So if you must make some adjustments, here are a few steps to take first:

#1. Read your lease agreement

The lease agreement should be scrutinized before you make any adjustments. Make sure the adjustments you are about to make aren’t violating any agreements. In addition, if the adjustments are expensive, reading the lease could also make you aware of any possibilities for collecting refunds or penalties and will help you be sure of any potential the consequences of your actions.

#2. Find out the cost

Being sure of the cost of any adjustments will help you re-evaluate and decide if you can actually live without that adjustment, and if you would be able to leave that adjustment behind without reimbursement if the need arises.

#3.Find out its effect on the value of the house

If your adjustments are the right kind, they would most likely increase the value of the house. Increasing the value of a home is important because although you would be getting the adjustment you wish for, it would also mean that your landlord is most likely to agree to it.

#4.Speak to the landlord

Letting your landlord know before you make any adjustments to the house would save you from having to remove fixtures or pay for damages when you have to leave the house. In addition it would help you make sure you aren’t taking on a venture that is more expensive than you initially thought.


Although making adjustments on a house that is not technically yours might be risky, it is doable with minimal risks if you remember to make sure it doesn’t contradict the lease agreement, is not too expensive, increases the value of the house and is supported by the landlord.


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