How To Make Online Marketing Work For Small Businesses

Online marketing is by far one of the most common and most affordable marketing techniques employed by businesses of any size today. Although it is a marketing goldmine for business organizations that can either not afford elaborate schemes or are hoping to attract a more global market, it is avoided by many, for the simple fact many others have tried and failed at using digital strategies.

It is important to point out that the possibility of failure exists with every marketing strategy and not just online marketing. Failure therefore, is not merely a function of the type of marketing you decide to use but also of how, when and where you decide to use it.

Online marketing can be successful in the right hands and one step towards becoming the ‘right hands’ is acquiring the knowledge on what’s important in online marketing. These include:

#1. Focus

Online marketing is not so different from regular marketing: it is still marketing. Therefore, just as with all regular marketing campaigns, it is important that your strategy has a focus. A marketing strategy without a focus is one that won’t succeed because you won’t even have a way to measure your success. You should have goals you hope to achieve by posting those videos on Facebook or Youtube. Don’t just put things out there for the sake of it.

#2.Target crowd

The crowd you are trying to reach out to is important because your target determines the direction your online marketing efforts will take, and how you present your products. It is therefore very important to get to know your crowd, who they are and if possible how they think.

#3. Representation

Always know that the manner in which your marketing presents your business determines how people are going to view it. You should therefore make sure that however you plan on marketing online, you are represented in the light of the image you want your target crowd to see.

#4. Diversifying

Although focus is important in online marketing, having some spread could be very important too because diversifying your campaigns will help you reach more people than you would have on a single platform. Try focusing on one platform at a time and subsequently diversifying. Reaching a wider range of people is sure to help build your customer base faster.

#5. Tracking

Tracking the progress and failures of your online marketing strategy is important especially because it would help you know what platform requires changes and what changes are most likely to work. Do not make the mistake of not tracking at all, as this could make you mis-allocate your resources as well as waste your time.


Online marketing, when done well, can yield admirable results while helping you save much needed capital.


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