Tips for Staying Out of the Spam Folder

The way we communicate keeps changing the mobile market expands. Communication apps like WhatsApp and Skype are may be extremely popular but between businesses, email is the most dominant form of communication. Unfortunately, spam folders exists and over 70% of emails are junk or spam mail, as a result of 100 billion spam mails being sent daily.
Therefore methods for crafting quality emails which will make it to inboxes are needed. Here are tips to segment your emails effectively, avoid the spam folder, and high unsubscribe rates and increase traffic to your website.

#1.Know your audience

Businesses all want to reach a large potential market. Though that will be hard to achieve if your emails are catered to a broad audience and the recipients realize the lack of personalization. Generic email blasts is not good for your campaign. Therefore, when gathering data on your audience, identify your target demographics, problems and solutions for sales professionals and HR managers, understand your market’s cultural background and be updated on surveys covering the trends and demands of your niche market. If your emails are stimulating and yet recipients can’t identify its content and your emails are being filtered as spam, you must understand your audience in order to relay that effectively.

#2.Compile relevant data

Collecting date will give you a clear picture of your audience, such as geography, behaviors and buying habits but all that data can be overwhelming. Decide which data points are the ones essential to your campaign and which are great for research purposes. Leverage on any data that you find unique and can help reach your target market.

#3.Create identifiable personas

Consumers consume for different reasons, learn to pinpoint those reasons and create unique personas based on this information to reach out to your audience. The more personas your audience identifies with, the less hard it is to craft captivating messages.

#4.Tailor your content

In addition to your email marketing, personas must be integrated into your website. If your emails are still generic, it will not do any good to identify commonalities among your audience. You will meet consumers’ demands and needs by implementing the compiled data.

#5.Keep adjusting

Effective segmentation means continuous analysis and iteration. Your strategy must adapt along with market shifts and changes in consumer preferences.
Though segmentation is critical, do not neglect the fundamentals of email marketing. Do not forget aesthetics and presentation and focus on the content. Keep personifying and evolving for an increase in sales.


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