Boomers Not Looking At Downsizing Option

It looks like the baby boomers are getting worried and throwing a lot of questions concerning their retirement in regards to what will be the end result. However, most of them do not seem to be worried about having their home downsized as it is not one of their main concern or priority.


RBC disclosed through a survey done that for retirees in Canada who are likely to go into retirement age, could probably last for an amount of thirty years, they seem to have other questions posed and concerns. About 48 per cent of them question whether they will be able to have enough money to last them through their retirement period, while others (26 per cent) are thinking about how they can make the best use of the money they’ve saved up, and 20 per cent of them wondering how best they can tackle the problem of inflation.


Only a few number (13 per cent) of respondents were actually inquiring whether they should have their homes downsized or sell it, the number was a bit less than the percentage of those who were more worried about getting more money while retired or having their debt managed in retirement stage.


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