Toronto needs to invest more to address transportation

Toronto and surrounding regions are in serious need of funds to boost the transportation as the obvious is now out for all to see.  Those living in the city need no more to go through insurmountable economic constrains or higher property taxes or municipal in taxes to see the problem at hand.

The needs of Toronto residents is so great with limited available funds to cater for their needs.  Toronto alongside other neighboring regions is the hub of Toronto and one has to take an in-depth look into these problems to be able to address the transportation crisis.

Toronto has become very populated over the years and there is no way of stopping people from entering the city making the problem more evident.

For one to be able to come to the realization of accepting road charges, one should first be aware of the reality. Although road taxes aid in reprimanding road defaulter, they are however not an appropriate way of handling public management.

Inasmuch as road charges have both their strength and weaknesses, it has become quite obvious that people are not benefiting from this form of tax.

The issue of transportation has been discussed time and time again with no positive conclusion or help for the provincial and federal government. Instead promises have been made for the past three decades with no evidence to show for it. Instead political leaders will claim to address the needs of the people mostly at budget time stating they will pay without paying any more taxes.

Political leader’s state “I will keep your taxes at the rate of inflation” as even people who dislike taxes know they can’t best inflation. Yet still these same politicians are increasing on more taxes on a daily basis. However, residents are still not in favor of road taxes. Toronto has over $30 billion worth of projects council has approved however no capital has been allocated to these projects. Some of them include transit plans which entail a lot suggesting even if funds were to be made available, improvements will not be seen until 2050.

However, the city has enough resources to take care of these evident issues without taking anything from residents.


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