Business Events To Be Hosted By Canada’s Conference Board

The Atlantic HR 2017: Facing Challenges, Building on Strengths for this year will be hosted by the Conference Board of Canada on the 28 of March, happening live at Halifax. A group of HR leaders in Atlantic Canada will be in attendance to talk about the obstacles posed in terms of demographic changes for companies and organisations in Atlantic Canada.


The success of the employers and the region at large are being threatened by the elderly workforce in the area combines with the on-going out-migration of the younger ones. The Minister of Business, Mark Furey and the Minister of Service Nova Scotia will join forces with policy makers and Nova Scotia business front-runners at the Atlantic Business Outlook: Halifax.


Further analysis will be looked into by the Conference Board of Canada’s Chief Economist, Craig Alexander. Factors and numbers behind the state of the economy from a wider, international, provincial and home-grown viewpoint will be also looked at.


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