No Govt Money, Bitcoin Reserves, Local Crypto: Russian Farming Village

Well known within the ecosystem is the cancer survivor turned cryptocurrency revolutionary and quaint Russian Farmer called Mikhali Shlyapnikov. Defiantly taking on his government through the issuance of a proprietary, local currency, he is about as eccentric as imagined. This is an approach to be removed from the gouging state-backed banks. As a result of tapping the digital universe to cure their monetary ills, his little hamlet is thriving, close to half a decade later, and after a crackdown.

Living in the Crypto Revolution, the Russian Farmer

With an interview with CNN Money, Mikhail Shlyapnikov told them that, “I don’t want to expand because it will bring obligations I’m not ready for. I’m not ready to save the world or even Russia, I want to be comfortable and I want to share this comfort with the community,”  as indicated by He talks about the growth that orbits around his private economic crusades, encouraged by banking cartels, as well as their premiums that are double-digit interest in obtaining capital, Rusian rubles.

From Moscow, Kolionova is just above an hour using a car. In order to hospice a cancer diagnosis, that was just enough space for Mr. Shlyapnikov. The population is possibly around a couple dozen, it is a farming village. It was an opportunity to get away from the urban life. Almost instantly the iconoclast former banker set about changing things, that was nearly a decade ago.

Mr. Shlyapnikov detailed that, “I didn’t want to suffocate and be a slave of the banks. So I had to invent my own money. And I did it. I’m my own bank, government, regulator,”  As indicated by Insisting they prove mental fitness, around 2010 he led the charge to prohibit politicians entering the hamlet, indeed.  He established his “kolion” to intentionally take over the ruble.

Russian Farming future, Crypto’s Bright

In its 2014, Kolion iteration was paper. As a Russian court deemed kolion illegal in just a year later, that was all it took for his arrest. In the spring of last year, raising half a million dollars, Mr. Shlyapnikov seized on initial coin offering (ICO) mania. He detailed also that “We now have about $2 million in kolions because its value has jumped since the ICO,” he noted. “This way we can attract real money into the business,” according to

Almost $4 million worth, the village’s crypto has 500 bitcoin backing it in reserve. No fiat is pair with it and Kolions are not mine. Through a concept known as “plowing” which includes trading labor in exchange, the Kolionovoians can be earned. With other more established cryptos, Kolions can also be purchased.

The country faces growing sanction charges on top of sometimes contracting markets, as a result, Russian economic prospects can be seen as immediately bleak. Incorporating the crypto into daily lives in a progressing rate are the village and its neighbors, efficiently protecting from “wild downturns”,  “which was not the case only a few short years ago,” according to


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