Home Auctions Offers Better Transparency According To BC Firm

A real estate company located in the British Columbia region have high hopes on convincing the market that the public sale of a home creates and provide an open, better transparency that leaves nothing hidden at all.

On the second of March, Harcourts Canada will be having its first ever auction take place, they are aiming at putting to flight foreclosures and the appearance of sales that are distressful to potential buyers. In order to do so, they are having transparency of the auction as their top priority and main value in all the operations that are being done.

The CEO of Harcourts Canada, Harden Duncan said to a new reporting company; “It’s got to be really crystal clear and there’s got to be a lot of support and information.” We can agree that it is essential for any potential buyer to be aware of what they are dealing with and the type of house they are looking at buying. Having information that is vital to the bidders at the auction is necessary. Even though house auction don’t take place that much in Canada, in countries like New Zealand and Australia’s real estate market, it is deemed to play a very important part.


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