Reasons Why A Realtor Might Be Worth Your Money

A ‘bad realtor’ can be a total waste of money. However, if you watch out for the signs you can spot a bad realtor long before you actually pay anything. Do not let the bad apples stop you from benefiting from the services of a realtor. Here are 4 reasons why you should hire one.

#1. They are better experienced at valuing a house

Realtors have experience in finding out the market value of a home. Because of this, they are better suited to recommend a favorable asking price for a house. This is important because overpricing a house might drive away potential buyers and make your house sit on the market for a long time, whilst under-pricing it would definitely mean you are losing more money than you would have lost if a realtor had done the pricing.

#2. They generally are better at negotiations

Negotiations are not always easy. It is important for you to be able to negotiate with a buyer without letting your emotions get in the way of things. For instance, if a buyer expresses displeasure about the colour of the room you worked so hard on, you can’t get angry. This is why a third person i.e. a realtor can be helpful. He has no emotional ties to the house and is able to objectively negotiate with the buyer as well as with you.

#3. They take care of the paperwork

Whenever you are selling or even buying a house, some contracts exist that can either protect you or land you in trouble. Many people, unfortunately, do not know how to manipulate these contracts. A realtor, however, knows all about these contracts and is able to use them to protect you.

#4. They know the best contractors

If you are good at doing repairs, then you most likely don’t need anyone to come and do whatever repairs your house might need. However, if your house needs any repairs and you are unable to do them yourself, you would need contractors. Contractors also sometimes overpriced especially when you don’t know what they need to do. Realtors would know the best people to take care of those repairs as well as what price would be best to pay for the repairs.


Using a realtor is not the best choice for everyone. Nevertheless, it may be the best choice for you if you don’t have experience in sales, state contracts, house repair and are not ready to risk having to pay more money than you would have had to give to a realtor. Remember, if you decide to use a realtor make sure to pick carefully so you have a trustworthy person representing you.


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