Avoid These Mistakes When Selling Your House Or It Will Cost You Big Time!

Home sellers are faced with numerous obstacles when it comes to selling their houses. Things can get very frustrating when few or no buyers show up at the front door. What can even be more heart breaking is having a prospective buyer come to your doorstep and leave without even entering the house because of certain mistakes that slipped pass your well thought-out strategy. For smooth transaction in selling your property, try avoiding these common and costly mistakes.

#1. Missing a home inspection

When ever a prospective buyer comes to inspect the house, it is best when the owner of the house is available to answer any question the buyer has. Some buyers use this time to get to know the owner better. If you as the owner is not present during home inspections, some buyers will take it as if you don’t consider them as important. Or even that you are trying to avoid answering certain questions. To avoid any misunderstanding, it is best to be around for inspections.

#2. Not taking care of the exterior

Most owners get so excited about selling their house which make them concentrate solely on the inside of the house forgetting about the exterior. As much as the quality of the interior of the house matters, the truth of the matter is, the exterior of the house is the first thing the prospective buyer gets to see before entering the house. If the exterior of the house is not pleasing to the eye, you will have buyers leaving your house without even entering it.

#3. Having your kids or pet spoil the show.

As much as you love your kids or pets, not everyone shares your taste. You won’t want your dog chasing away prospective buyers that are scared of dogs. In addition, not every one likes kids running about the house creating a great mess. So if you have a prospective buyer coming over for inspection, bribe your kids if you have to so that they will be on their best behavior from the house or you will be losing countless buyers.

#4. High price tag

Over pricing your house will not get your house off the market. It will only make your house stay longer on the market while raising a lot of questions. Over pricing a house does not mean that you have the best house and while you are busy having a high price tag, other sellers are selling theirs for a fair price. It is true that the aim for selling a house is to make profit but to what extent or cost are you willing to make such profits.

#5. Not disclosing information to buyers

Withholding information from buyers can raise a lot of questions in the minds of buyers. When selling a house, there is certain information that you should disclose no matter what. Withholding such information shows that you are more or less hiding something from the buyers.

No matter the sacrifices you have to make for selling your house, it is better to do it than making costly mistakes that will jeopardize the sale of your house. With strong competition from other sellers, you cannot afford to be makes that will set you at a slower paces I the midst of your fellow competitors.


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