Most Canadians Surviving Off Paycheck

The latest survey has shown that most Canadian households are being pressurized, and for 50 percent of those houses, they are finding it difficult to pay for their expenses and take care of their bills if their paycheck comes later than a week.

The report that was given by the Canadian Payroll Association shows that a third of respondents are very much overwhelmed to an extent by their outstanding arrears, while about 9 percent strongly approve of it.

On the other hand, half of the respondents thought that their debts have not gone up in over one year, while nearly a third, unlike the others, said theirs has increased. For the 93 percent of those with debt, a quarter of them have mortgages on their houses, with another 4 percent who took a loan for their business or payment of rental homes, while the other 16 percent have a line of credit.


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