Smart Real Estate Marketing Tactics

Every business needs some form of publicity in order to thrive and this is especially true in real estate. In a market that is so full of supply, you will need to develop and implement some smart strategies for making sure your property catches the attention of potential buyers. Here are some specific factors to consider:

#1. Photography

The human sight is one of the most important of all the five senses. People tend to be attracted to graphics and pictures that are pleasing to look at. As a real estate agent, it is essential to market your product using pictures so that people can tell if your property meets their basic expectations. This is important for helping you attract only the right customers, with whom you have the greatest chances of success.

When people see a picture of a house taken at the perfect angle in the right kind of light, their interest is sure to be sparked. It is better to work with professional photographers who know their onions.

#2. Email marketing

It is essential that you e-mail your clients and potential clients on a regular basis. We’re not advising that you send out spam, but you could use content marketing strategies to develop a legitimate mailing list. It is advisable to send out monthly newsletters, highlighting what you offer, not just in words, but also with pictures.

Your regular clients who receive these newsletters are likely to send them to their friends or even post them up on their social pages, marketing your product for you.

#3. Be creative with your ads

When it comes to listings, wording tends to go a long way. While describing your listing, it is essential that you use short powerful phrases that will capture the buyer’s attention and not cause them to skip through your material. You will firstly need to identify what your readers want and be sure to list out those features you feel your potential buyers are looking for e.g. gourmet kitchen, hardwood floors, exquisite views.

According to Paul Anglin, a professor with the University of Guelph in Canada, some words such as beautiful, granite, gourmet and fixer upper, sell better when compared to others like clean, move-in-condition and must-sell.

When describing your listing, don’t be forceful: let your clients feel they made the decision to buy the house without being coerced.

#4. Create some viral content

Ever wonder why funny videos or skits get more views than regular, boring, old videos? Obviously because they are funny. When making videos for real estate, a little humor will go a long way to catching your audience’s attention and passing your message across.

Real estate marketing has evolved and has left the age of simply hammering ‘for sale’ signposts into the ground. Don’t just limit your marketing to your website only, spread your wings and advertise on the different social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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