Stephen Wetmore Reappointed As President And CEO of Canadian Tire

Dully a year and seven months after stepping down as CEO of Canadian Tire, Stephen Wetmore has reclaimed his former position as Chief Executive Officer of one of Canada’s most popular retail companies.

Wetmore, 63, replaces the company’s former CEO Michael Medline in a decision made public earlier today. Medline succeeded Wetmore as president of the company in 2013 and as CEO in 2014, but has lost both roles to his predecessor after less than two years in charge.

Wetmore has also reclaimed his former presidential post with the company stating that the move is aimed at helping the company adapt to the “increasing complexities of the new world of retail”.

Wetmore has been unanimously backed by the company to be the one to lead it into the future with statements made by the company’s chairman, Maureen Sabia, suggesting Wetmore’s reappointment to be a long-term plan.

Stephen Wetmore served as president of Canadian tire for a four year period (2009-2013) and as CEO for five (2009-2014). His reappointment is poised to bring experience the company has potentially been missing out on since his departure.


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