Ivanka Trump’s Products Here to Stay?

To be or not to be…selling Ivanka Trump products is the question. But it seems like the company has made their decision already. Hudson Bay’s Co. is still selling the boycott products on their online sites because the complete halt of sales will hurt them financially but selling it is also hurting them in the same way. I guess they must have weighed the pros and cons it has been put in by shoppers.

It was not up to a week ago when we all thought that the company was going to stop selling her products. Unlike the likes of Nordstrom, Sear’s and a few others—who have parted ways with Trump products—the e-commerce side of the company has stayed put.

Shoppers have not given up; they are still trying to get the company to drop the products by taking to social media to show their detest for the Trumps and the products in question.


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